The Causes Of Male Hair Loss

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The Causes Of Male Hair Loss

The term male pattern baldness is commonly used to refer to the condition that causes hair loss in men.malehairloss This is a condition which affects both men and women but usually begins in men.malehairloss Male pattern baldness can be caused by hormonal changes that accompany aging, or it may be a genetic condition that runs in the family. In most cases, male baldness is hereditary and you may not be able to do anything about it; however, there are still ways to treat male pattern baldness and the result may be hair regrowth.

There are a number of products on the market today that can help treat male pattern baldness.malehairloss malehairloss These products are designed to block some of the harmful chemicals and enzymes in your body which cause your hair to fall out.malehairloss There are two main types of products - topical solutions and pills. Topical solutions are simply creams that you apply directly to your scalp (the best ones will contain minoxidil). The oral pill type of product is taken once per day with food or as a supplement.

Many people think that drugs are the only way to treat male pattern baldness, but they are wrong.malehairloss malehairloss There are two other ways that you can deal with male hair loss. If you've tried everything else and haven't had any success, then you may want to consider changing your diet. Certain foods have been known to trigger male pattern baldness, so if you are suffering from this condition, eliminating these foods from your diet (and eating more foods that are good for you) can help to restore your hair. Some common culprits include onions, caffeine, alcohol, peanuts and soy. If you're going through a particularly bad case of male pattern baldness, you should take this step very seriously and see a doctor to make sure that your diet isn't a contributing factor.

If the diet isn't a major factor causing your male hair loss, there are other treatments you can use to combat this problem.malehairloss malehairloss You can choose to get a hair piece or toupee to cover up the balding areas and give you a new look. These procedures are still fairly invasive and can cause scarring in some people. Surgery may be your only option. Before you undergo surgery to replace hair, you should be tested for depression or medications that could possibly cause an adverse reaction with the surgery.

If you have male hair loss due to genetics, you may not have too much choice in the matter.malehairloss malehairloss Male Pattern Baldness can't be treated in many cases because it's often genetic. You will probably be able to find other things to do with the balding area if it's the only thing that's out of control. There are plenty of options if you don't have to turn to surgery. In fact, you can learn how to grow your own hair so you no longer have to resort to constant shampooing. Just remember that your lifestyle can play a major role in whether you regrow hair or lose it.

Medication for male hair loss is a big part of the problem.malehairloss malehairloss Many people will take medications that are designed to help them grow back hair. However, they may not be doing anything to reverse the underlying causes of male pattern baldness. For best results you should try to fix whatever's causing the problem and this could involve making some dietary changes or taking supplements that encourage healthy growth.
